Preserving Wildflowers

Photo by Kelly McCrimmon on Unsplash

She is carefree,
picking wildflowers
under the bright blue summer sky

the eye of an artist, 
she knows exactly what she wants 
as clouds drift us by

she brings the flowers home,
not yet having mastered, the art — 
of letting pretty thing go

-not like I have-

and I hold the book open
as she places flowers
pink, yellow and blue 
between pages

ready to be pressed
ready to be preserved

held between my gaze
and the golden sunset light 
she shines –
and I burn the image to my mind

quietly knowing

we are the wildflowers
endeavoring to prolong our summer
before all this ephemeral love — 
falls away

maybe tomorrow

leaving behind
the sound of soft petals
embracing the earth.

© Tima Loku 2020

We all have transient things we want to hold on to. 

She pressed flowers and I pressed all the images of us into my memory.

Isn’t that the point of art? Of poetry, photography, painting… 

Flowers picked by her, Photo by Author

“The flower bloomed and faded. The sun rose and sank. The lover loved and went. And what the poets said in rhyme, the young [maybe not just the young] translated into practice.”
Virginia Woolf, Orlando

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